Monday, March 30, 2009

whr r u?

"hahahahhaha oh my god.."
" what?"
"............(go on tell her)......."
"oh okay.."

its not the only one, but i put that one.
this week is a hard time, i think. i come to all of you, but you're talking about something that i dont understand what are you talking about. and after i said "what is it", you give it to me, but it doesnt mean anything because im the last person who know that.
i got my phone but no body filled it, and i was like..whoaaaa, this is very unusual.

i dont want a very quick responses from you, like you text me "hey what are you doing" or "are you okay" after reading this or maybe the others. i know im not smart about this all, but please.
whoever are you reading this, please understand me. this is my blog, and this is about my life, and im just write on. i didnt put any names here, and please dont do "who's she in your blog?" or talking about this all behind me. i dont want to talk about this post again, there only some ppl who can really understand me, and i need to talk to you. and if you aren't that people, im sorry.

Friday, March 27, 2009

ive done them, but they havent finished yet

yeeeeee the title is abut the tryouts mennnnn
ive already finished it, hope the results are not that bad :) :)
capek belajar. gabisa tidur. sekarang gw lg sakit mencret2 -_____-

upload foto2 waktu di rumah edlyn yah :)

photoshoot kita berhasil nih teman2 ;) hahahahhaha~!

arrr so sleepyyy, bye

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

what a day

aarrghh benci gw sama facebook
lama banget upload fotonya udah gitu failed2 melulu lagi arrrrggghhh

aduh mau upload foto di blogger jg lama setengah mati

dimana gw harus ngupload foto dgn cepat dan lancar?
krik krik krik...

eh sumpah mulai mgg depan, gw bakal sibuk banget (weeetzzz) tp beneran.
karena, try out udah mulai menyusul..jadi agenda gw gini :
tanggal 23 - 27 maret : try out 1 sekolah
tanggal 1 - 3 april : try out 2 sekolah
tanggal 6 - 7 april : try out MPK
terus libur2 gara tri hari suci
terus..ulangan umum ato pra ujian untuk kelas 9
baru deh
disusul ujian praktek dan ujian akhir sekolah.

wish me luck for the exams :)

Monday, March 2, 2009

dang dang dang!

aaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrr finally i have finished all the tryouts.....well?
um no.. i couldn't do the science :( but i wish the results wont be that bad hehe

adoh hari ini banyak banget sih kejadian2 aneh hahahaha
mulai dari tara pingsan ( dasar ya 94 pingsan semuanya deh hahaha), terus jengukin seseorang di uks (HAHAHAHAH GW SAKIT PERUT BANGET NIH GARA2 KETAWA) terus tereak2 di aula gara2 ngeliat video yg ohmygoddddd serem banget eek lah, gw ga bisa tidur nanti -_-


pengen bikin video nih :P apa aja deh hadoh lg aneh
pengen makan, masak, terus HUNTING :D dsb dsb

haha hayley lg aneh banget! (itu lg mau ditindik kan? knp harus disitu sih ? kaya sapi aje -_-)

ok ok bye bye bye
ayo pada mau kemana minggu ini ato minggu dpn? :P :P