Thursday, January 1, 2009

oh, welcome 2009!

yes. my first post on a first day of 2009!

wish you all have a great 2009, okay? let start the new ones; from today.
c'mon let start with a smile and laugh!

things that gonna happen in this year :
  1. im getting older on june 1st (ngekkk -_-) which is ill be 15 years old
  2. this is my last year in smp santa ursula :( nooooooooo i hate to say thatttt :( :(
  3. pengumuman sma santa ursula ... ...
  4. another problems and fun(s)
  5. ujian ujian try out try out uan uan ujian praktek lalalallaa HOOOOH -_-

i this year 2009! :
  1. will be many concerts - from the idols who i love <3>
  2. i'll pass the exams, the ujian lalalala..oh please
  3. masuk sma santa ursula!
  4. no problems ( hahaha mending bisa). fun fun fun laugh laugh laugh ! :D :D :D
  5. god bless my family, my friends, all people :) indonesia and this lovely world hhehee.
my resolutions this year :
  1. ill study harder. bwek oke -_-
  2. ill hunt a lot. ow yeah? there will be many exams! HOW.
  3. ill do my best for my photographs
  4. be a nice girl WAKAKA. to my friends family and everyone. you wait it
  5. no more bad attitude. :)
please ya, ga ada kejadian macem2 ya taun ini. nyekehehehek.
btw HAPPY BIRTHDAY OMA AND BOB BRYAR! (dec 31st 08) hehe :P


hah, kapan sih kalian datang? oya dateng jgn pas ujian yah. kalo iya gw mencekekkan diri -_-

once again, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2009 EVERYONE! preeeeeeettt*terompet

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